Zaunchim Ekamekachim ( We'll belong to each other) Another enticing. Konkani love ballad from this couple Brendon & Hansel, who have many hit songs under their belt. the refrain/chorus here is heart warming
Vocalists /starring Brendon Rato & Hansel Vaz
snippets of lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid link will load in few secs.
poitoch tuka mogan, jivit mhojem savrona
without gazing at you my life is not at peace.
dis rath eaithai tum sopnath
day and night you're in my dreams
ravthoch mhojea gopanth
when you're in my arms
lagona bhuk and than
I do not feel hunger or thirst
fokot mog riglam khalzzan
love has nestled in my heart
khuxal tuka dovortolom
I will keep you happy
Niz mog tuzo kortolom
i will love your truly
dhoron sodanch tuka sukhan
keeping you always happy
.tum...ek minas che sorpoll.......
you're a precious necklace
mog mhozo korea akhea sonvsarant
our love to proclaim it to the whole world
voh moga moga dogaim sodanch ossinch mogan rauchim
woh love my love we always remain so in love the same way
vait borem zallear sangatan fuddo korchin
good and bad we'll fight it together
bunead ghot korun mogachim
we strengthen our pillars of love
vatt sorchim fudarachim
as we take our steps ahead
sassnak .korar .korunk zauchim ekmekachim
we 'll establish our contract (covenant ) and belong to each other
Somi mhojea gharacho
You are the Lord of my home
niz mog mhojea jivitacho
true love of my life
jiuenk zauchinam tum nastana
I will not be able to live without you
tujeruch assa mhojo jiv
on you depends my life
kallzan mhojo dive...............
a light in my heart
tuzo oslo dusro meuchona
I will not be able to find someone like you
Igorche panvdde don disan ghalltan
in few days we'll climb the steps of the Church
Mhojea passot rochlam Devan
God created you for me
Ghorabo korchim ravon ekvaottan
we'll build a new home living together ............