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Yo Moga (oh my Love) Sonia Shirsat

Yo Moga

Yo Moga (oh my love), refreshing Konkani love song sung by popular Goan Artist and Fado Singer, Sonia Shirsat with backdrop of Old Goa, the remains of the famous St. Augustine tower. love in any form is sacred. Cast: Khushboo Haldankar & Suhas Naik Vocalist: Sonia Shirsat. Credit: Krisben Music

Lyrics with English translation, vid link will load in few secs.


Soddam ratim sopnnant mhojia

every night you come in my dreams

Yevun mhaka sotoitai

and trouble me

Kesant mhojia bottam posheun

running your fingers through my hair

Hollu vengent araytay

slowly hold me in your arms

Galar mho'jya umyancho to

fill me with kisses

Shinvor soddanch vottai

Hanv dolle ugo'ddn bhonvtim po'lletana

when I open my eyes and gaze nearby

Tum khoinvsor nopois zatay

where do you vanish

Yo moga, mhojea moga

Oh love, my love

Apalipa khellunaka

do not play hide and seek

Yo moga, mho'jya moga

Oh love, my love

O'shem tum sotoinaka

do not tense me up

Jedna tuka dekhlem hanvem

when I saw you first

Bhognnamni ughoddlem dhampnnem

my emotions burst open the lid

Chintnank mhojia susheg na

my thoughts are not peace

Kallzant tujench tthannem

you're nestled in my heart

Avoddna dusrem kitench

nothing else pleases me

Hanv tuji sangtam kho'rench

I am yours truly

Vengent mhaka ghe re moga

hold me in your embrace

Shabhit hanv tujye ubent

safe and cozy in your warmth


Duddu bhangar kitench na

I have no money or gold

Fokhot mog mhozo tuka

just love for you

Moro pasun sangat ditam

till I die I'll be with you

Utranchi mudi ghal mhaka

slip the ring of vow( promise)

Tukach hanv vengent dhortam

Just you I hold in my arms

Kallzant tujya lipun ravtam

hidden in your heart

Usvas mhozo asta poriant

till I have the breath in me

Tuka sangat ditam

will offer my intimacy



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