Xezari (neighbors), A lengthy song in konkani of exhortations, for his brother who has drifted apart because of greed of properties.
this has been the bane of our society, the property disputes. although, there are laws in the book, Our clergy has to get involved and sort this common issue among us Credit: Sanio and his team
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs
Hanv sezari tuzo, tum sezari mhozo,
I am your neighbor and so are you to me
tujea ghorak tenkon mhojem ghor
my house is adjacent to yours Tujem ghor betheachem,
your house is of bricks
mhojem ghor matheachem,
my house is of mud
don ghoram modem assa ontor
between two houses there is difference Koslem kizil zait tor, tujea mojea bitor,
If there is any quarrel between us
tum mhunntai maka dakoitam bhair sor
you say You will show me, come outside Rokddoch bhurgeank apoitai,
immediately you call the kids
vankddo rosto dakoitai,
you teach them the wrong path
bhurge ghoracher martat fator
the kids throw stones
Bhav-Bhav zatoch kazari,
once the brothers get married
khaxea bhav zatat sezari
true brothers turn into neighbors Ankwar astanam, kizil nastanam,
when there single, there were no quarrels
bhav-bhav mogan dis sari
brothers spent their days caring for each other Kazar zaun bailank gharan addtori,
once married and with their wives inside
bailamchi gharant dadagiri
the lady's rule the house Bailamchem aikon, bhav-bhav zogddon,
listening to their wives, the brothers now fight
dis-rath gharant maramari
day and night there are fights
Bhav-bhavak khendtat,
voi dusmankai vaddta, kiteak lagon konn sangot
and their enmity grows, for no reason Khaxea bhav rogtache, man eka-mekache,
true blood brothers, of same mind
zolm dil’le avoik kitem bogot
what will the birth Mom suffer Kagdam vantunk bhattachim,
papers to divide the properties
zoggdim bhav-bhavachim, gharant suseg nam ekai vogot
the fights between the brothers, there is no peace in the house for a minute Dogain bitorlo,Eklo morot tor, roddtat mhunnon ekuch rogot.
if one of the brothers die, the tears shed for the same blood
Rogot kedinch doxim zainam,
the blood never separates
favo nam tem amkam mevona
whatever we entitled for we do not achieve Sonvsarant ietanv, thoddoch temp ravtanv,
we come in this world and live for a short time
ietanam ami kaim ek addinam
when we come, we do not bring anything Assa zaitem torui tem pavonam,
we may have plenty, but it does not satisfy
porte vetanam kainch ek voronam
when we depart, we can't take anything with us Lobddon axek, tum sampoddta bhaxek,
axek lobddon bhav-bhavak voulkonam
because of greed, the brothers don't recognize each other
Tum axek lobdoxi, bhavponn visorxi,
you ensnared by greed and forget brotherhood
mhunnim hi purvozamchi
saying of our ancestors Girest gorib rochnna, Devan vegli rochunk nam,
rich, poor creatures, God did not create them separately
sogllich rochna ekach Devachi
All creatures are from One God Bhattam-bensam giriestkai, kobar kortai sovostkai,
fields and properties riches finishes any peace
sonvsarantli girestkai don disanchi
our wordily wealth of few days Girestkai mhunnche bhava, rogott zannam zava,
true wealth is our, blood please understand
ath-paim girestkai zonn ekleachi
hand and feet riches of each one
Girestkaiek lobddon bhava, tujem kalliz korinakai nibor
lost in greed, brother do not harden your heart Ekvott khoro, assot boro, ekvottan assonk kedem vhodlem vor
If our unity is true and is good, to remain together is a great blessing Sodanch ekvottan ravonk fuddem sor, toddinakai tum ekvottachem dor
always remain united going forward, do not break the bond knot Ami mortokoch, ho sonvsar soddtokoch, ximiter amchem ekvottachem ghor
when we die and leave this world , the Cemetery will be our home together Ami mortokoch, ho sonvsar soddtokoch, ximiter amchem ekvottachem ghor