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Viva Goencho Carnaval (Goan Carnival)

Viva Goencho Carnaval

A lively and rhythmic song; music and dance by our Popular star Friz Love

Goan carnival is UNIQUE. Its just not about able bodied men and pretty gals singing and dancing. here in Goa its about appreciating our laborers,(pidrels), peasants, trade smiths. our fisherfolks, Our various service personnel, our nurses, our police, Its day out for them to get the recognition and limelight and celebrate their occupations.

Viva Carnival, VIva Carnival ......lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.



Goenkara kuxecho dis ho

this is happy day for Goans

Soglim sangatan ami bhair soria

lets together go out

Char disancho dobazo amcho

celebration of four days

Vhodda dobajean ami gazoita

lets celebrate it with zest

Rong rongit ami kopde nesun

wearing colorful costume

Vegveglim ami rupnnim ghalun

donning different mask and shades

Rostear vetat float toh gheun

we'll get on the roads with our floats

Fuloitat Carnaval toh nachun

revel in it with our dances



Carnaval viva Goencho Carnaval

carnival viva carnival

Vorsachea vorsak ekuch pautt toh ieta

every year it dawns just once

Goencho Carnaval

Goan Carnival

Zati kati soddun sogleank

leaving behind caste, creed

ekttai hadtat goencho carnaval

it brings everyone, together

Zaitea gava gavanim khell tiatr zatat

in every town and village there is skit, plays

Hoi toh goencho carnaval

its the Goan carnival

Sogglim ekvottan kuxal nachun gavun

everyone together with happiness dancing and singing

Fuloitat goencho carnaval.

celebrate the Goan carnival



Carnaval viva Goencho Carnaval

Viva Goencho Carnaval


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