A pleasant and easy romantic Goan Konkani song.with a lovely couple which echoes the importance of remaining together and faithful to each other. Lyrics & Translation for Global audience
credit to JD Production Trevor Dias Singer: Pierson D'Costa cast: Oscar D'Souza & Jennifer Fernandes
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs
poilech nodrek hanv tuzea poddlo mogan
I fell in love at first sight
kednach tukach sodchona sangtam jurementan
I will never leave you, I promise you
sodanch amcho ekvot urron magtam rosaran
We'll always remain as One, I pray the rosary
mog kortolo tuzo moro tuzo ravon visvaxan
I will love you till I die and remain faithful
tuzea sangatak asthana moga sopna assa khoxen dista
when I am in your company, I feel like in a dream
.. nid podona fokot tuzo ugddas yeta
sleepless nights goes by, thinking of you
niz mog kella tuzo koro visvaxi rautholo mhunne .bhas . ditam
I love you truly, I give you my word
mog voh amcho samboieah ravon sangatan
lets preserve this love by remaining together
sodchana tuka kedem ailer vadoll tufan
I will not leave whatever big the storms
devan amcho ekvott kella sanboie ravai sangattan
God has made our Union, lets guard it
sukan dukan vantto geuchim ravon mogan
in love lets our joys and sorrows
mogachem voddem fuddem vorai ami sangatan
lets row our boat ahead together
ratchem tunch moga fokot tujem sopnant yeta
at night, you come in my dreams
vegim don kallzan ek zaunchim hanv axetam
I await aching for two to join together soon
tuzeach sangatam fudar korunk sopna sopnatam
only with you I dream of future together
moga tunch mozhea fudarache ranni vortota
My Love, you remains my future queen.