Tum Jivitachem cholchitr (you're my life's movie) A pleasant love ballad with poetic lyrics and a swirling music.
Cast: Andrew Ferrao, Coralee Mendes
Credit: Andrew Ferrao
Lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid link will load in few secs.
Xi-eam-chea surya porim
like the winter Sun
Pormollit Fulam Vasar in the scent of fragrant flowers
Gimant thondgar Varo
Like a cool mid-summer's breeze
Poilea pausachi axea
yearning for the first rains
Sabar vorsam gelim
Many years have elapsed
Mogachi biyeam vaddlim
the seeds of love have grown
Mhakam aiz , an’ek pavt
I need your love, once again
Tuzo mog zai, kallzak dislem
I need your love, My heart feels it
Tuvunch zai, an’ek pavt
just need you, one more time
Tujem ruppnem kallzant boslem
Your picture planted my heart
Tuvunch sauddi tuvunch uzvadd
You are the shadow, You are the light
Tu dorya hanv udkachi xir
You are the sea, And I am the ocean's rim
Tuvunch dis ani tuvunch rath
You are the day, You are the night
Tuv jivitachem cholchitr
You are the story/movie of my life
Astalom hanv ekloch
I was all alone
Tuv eilem anjea rupan
You came to me in angel's garb
Noketram sorgavelim
Heavenly stars
Sonvsarant petoilim
Lit up the earth
Vorsam koxim dhanvlim
Mogachi lharam vadllim
And the waves of love grew
Dor ami bandlelem
The knot that we tied
Bhavart ani sotachea somdirant riglelem
sewn with ocean of trust and truth
Kedinch na katortelem
It can never be snipped
Ho mogacho amrut mogian, mogiak piyoilelem
This Nectar of love that lovers have consumed