Tum Ani Aum ( You and Me) Its one of the Hall Of Fame Songs, a classic a poetry of love in a song that will be engraved in our hearts forever, a composition of none other than the legendary Chris Perry.
A special touch & Cover Credit: The 7 Notes Band
Vocalist: Myron Lucas
Lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
Jurament hanv tuka ditham gheun Deva chem nanvh
I am giving you my vows in God's name
Kallzant mog tuzo bithor ghetaim konnui tum zanvh
I accept your love in my heart, whoever you may be
Porvah korchimnam soddunk poddlear ghor ani ganv
I do not care, if I have to leave my home or my town
Ektaim rauchim fokot tum ani hanv
We'll remain together forever just you and me
Sodankal ami oxinch mogan bonvchim
Always remain together in love
Eka-mekak vengen dorun raumchim
We remain together in each others embrace
Magnnim amchim vegim Devak paumchim
Our prayers may soon reach God
Ek Dis kazar ami zaumchim
And some day we'll get married
Fullelem ful kednaim bautelem
The flower in full bloom will fade
Devan nirmilam tem meutolem
Whatever God has destined for us, we'll receive
Vaitt borem sonsun tujem rautelem
Through good and bad suffering I will remain with you
Noxibant assa tem bhogunk pautelem
What fate has in store We'll endure