Tu maje go tu ( you're mine, you...) a mesmerizing lyrics and melody captures the essence of innocent first love, in a breathtaking simplicity.
Cast: Samir kaisukar/ Deepashree Sawant.
Director: Prathaamesh Mangaonkar
Credit: I Production Films.
Lyrics with translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.
tu maje go tu
you are mine you..
tu maje go tu
you are mine you...
tujea shivai ravunk zaina
without you I cannot live
tujea shivai zogunk zaina
without you I cannot shine
tuka poloiat urlolo\
without seeing you
maka sosunk zaina
I cannot bear
tujea shivai konnue dhisana
without you I cannot envision anyone
tujea vinne maka konnue somzana
without you I cannot understand anyone else