Tin Kallzam (three hearts) break-up of family when
a mother leaves her home, her children, husband behind to make new future. Which mother could betray? but it happens, we have no answers. A sad Konkani song, the dance party perhaps to liven up the sadness. vocalist : Sanio Fernandes Main Cast Sanio Fernandes, Buzeal Caldeira
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
xitoll raat ti motianichi
a clear pearly night
ontroll petla sobit noketramni
the heaven is ablaze with stars
kallzan assat Amchim Dukhi
Our hearts remain in pain
xekim zalim mhunn doxi
in the end we were separated
Haat zoddun ubo ravlo tujexim
with hands clasped I stood before you
donui dolle mhoje bhorun dukhanin
with both eyes brimming with tears
koxem putvolem zait tuka
how could it possible for you
dukhounk tin, kallzam amchim
to hurt three hearts
chondrim liplo kupant mhollbar
moon is hiding behind the clouds
visron amkam tuven korunk chintloi fuddar
to leave us behind you planned to make your future
ulhas soddtam sobhe mazar
I heave a sigh in public
koso pusun daag to podla ekvottar
what sword has pierced our Union
bhurgim buzvonn ditat
the children try to comfort
dukham vhanvtoch pollear
when tears roll down the cheek
poilech poitanch mhojea dollean mukhar
when I first saw in front of eyes
sorga prim disloi soglo sonvsar
the whole world seemed heavenly
visvaxi ponnachea pavtoch panvddear
when trust issue came to the fore
mog uboiloi varear
Love was swept in the winds
haz vivido en nuestro abrazo hogar de tu alma
you lived in our embrace with your soul
y hoy te marchas pareciera sin pensarlo
and today you live without thinking
a retonos que iran
the .......will go
por la vidas sin ti buscando to regazo
through life without you craving for your lap(comfort0
Devan tuka feliz dovru bhurgim kortat rozar
God may bless you with happiness, children ask in prayer