Sasnak Tu Mhojem ( you're mine forever) A lively Konkani love song with Afro beat draped in scenic surrounding and a handsome couple. Cast: Danika Braganca Benisco Fernandes
vocalist: Benisco Fernandes
lyrics snippets with English translation, vid will load in a few secs.
tujea oslem konuch nah ani dushrem
there is no one else like you
devachem tum mhaka ek denna
you're God's gift to me
mhojea passot dista tuka rochlem
It seems he made you for me
eia sonvasarant tuka mhaka meuvnk dhi
in this world He let us meet
poilech bett her dogai ami poddon mogan
we fell in love at first sight
ravlim ami soddanch ekvottan
we'll remain always united
niz mogan kello dogainim khallzan thuan
we love each other truly from the heart
morosor dogaim jinne sangathan
till we die we'll live together
sasnak tu mhojem
you were mine forever
dillelem utor sodanch sambhauchem
the word(vow) given we'll keep forever
donne khalzzan ek korun zallim
two hearts became One
sarua jivit sangatan oi mogan
Lets spend our lives together
nirmol mog tuzo kortolom
I will love you truly
mogan tuka vegun gevun kevtolom
will hold you lovingly in my embrace
sogllem sukh tuka hanv dittolom
All the joy I will give you
sodankall tuka khuxal dorunk vavurtolom
I will work hard to make you happy
cheddum koreanch mhjuea monnatlem
you are truly the girl form my dreams
borea gunnane dekh rithin vadoilelm
raised with good values and manners
angea sarkam mhojea jivitan ailem
like an angel you came into my life
sopnan sopon purem zaunk paulam
My dreams I dreamt have come true
fuddar amcho soddanch borem zaunk
we may have good and blessed future
Deva lagim magtam hath zoddun
I pray to God with hands clasped
visvaxan ani mogan paulam marle sangatam
faithfully and with love let us step ahead
fuddo korchim kedai ailer odrussuk tuffan
We'll fight howsoever the troubles and the storms