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Sant Anthoni Bhokta

Sant Anthoni Bhokta

Sant Anthoni Bhokta, a fervent hymn in konkani dedicated to St.Anthony of Padua. It is said that the Saint was visited by infant Jesus in his room, who caressed his face. because of his simplicity.

“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). Credit : Samara Rebello

lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs (vers 2.0 Erisha Franco)


2) Sant Antoni Bokta,

Saint Anthony saintly

Firgianche kulliechea,

A wealthy nobleman

Tujea (livrar) gronthar


On your book played infant Jesus

ballok Jesu Raza,........}2

Infant king Jesus

Ballok (Jezu) khellta mhunnon

Because Infant Jesus played

Santan rokdich dimbi ghali

the saint immediately knelt

Zomnir poddon Sant Anton

stretched on the floor

pratton kori........ }2

he would pray

Bokta san anthoni

2) Sant Antoni Bokta,

Ochoriam tujim tera,

your miracles are thirteen

Choudavem kor Bokta,

make it fourteen, Saint

Amche Papiamche ghara

Our sinners homes


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