Sam Fransisku Xaviera from the depth of a soul a captivating hymn, to our great Rakondar (Protector). Its is humbling to contemplate that Our Lord chose his closest companion to reside amongst us. Hymn Vocalist: Edwin Rodrigues Original Composer: Raimundo Floriano Feliciano Barreto
hymn lyrics with English translation, vid link will load in few secs.
San Franciscu Xaviera
St. Francis Xavier
Tuji kuddi Goeam xara
your body(relics) in Goa
tum Jezuchea soinika sodanch
in the company (soldier) of our Lord Jesus
zoitevont kor mhaka
always make me victorious
Sam Franciscu Xaviera
St Francis Xavier
Tozo zolma des Navarra
your birthplace Navarra
Tuji kuddi Goeam xara
your relics in Goa
Pun otmo voikunnt-nogra
While your Soul in heavenly kingdom