Oh Dolla a new release, a delightful original romantic song
with a gorgeous cast and an English backdrop. Our UK Diaspora in full bloom. Composer/Vocalist: Rio Fernandes
Main Cast: Rio Fernandes/ Ellora Rodrigues
lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.
Oh Gho Chedva kiteak sotaita
Oh girl, why do you stress me
polluen tum poito khoch jivak dadosta
when you glance at me, I feel so happy
nodor tujer podli, sagnam mhaka sodli
my eyes fell on you, I became speechless
zugul koxen mogachem khalzzan riglem
like a lightening your love was ingrained in my heart
zav go tum mhojem vor khalliz mhojem
you be mine and take my heart
zav go tum mhojem kor khalliz tujem
you be mine and make this heart yours.
oh oh Dolla nokrean pisso kella
Oh Dolla I crazy with your fussing
oh oh Dolla mogan pisso zalla
Oh Dolla I am crazy in love
konnachan zanvchem nah korunk tujem moll
nobody can come close to you
you look baby doll .......................................................2
zav tum mhojem dream girl
Be my dream girl
tunch monnat gallem
you are always on my mind
vatt tujich poitham ...
wait for your footsteps
dusrechem zait mhunne hanv beatha
that you be someone else feels me with fear
char voros char dis vatter tujeas bhoitam
four years and four days been chasing you
zabab mhevna tor ankwar ravtam
if I don't get the word, I will remain single.