Mogacho Uzo (love on fire) overcome with passions, the flesh dominates. the vows and kids fall by the wayside. Surprisingly, it was never flagged by our ever watchful Church. Its just a song!! original singer: Lorna Cordeiro
Vocalist: Valarie Dsouza Credit: Royal band
lyrics with English translation vid will load in few secs.
bhangar dudu asat re bankant
I have cash and gold in the bank
Hea dudvani mog diunk zaina maka
but money can't buy me love
soglem soddun mog ulhasan
Leave everything with a love sigh
Punn sodchina tuka
but I will not leave you
Na tuka ...... wooo
Not you......wooo
Mog tuzo moga uzzo uzzo
you love is like fire
mog tuzo uzzo... uzzo
your love is fire fire
tuzo ... tuzo maka mog fokot tuzo
yours yours only your love for me
Mogachi gormi sossunk nezo... nezoo
I can't bear the heat of love can't can't ....
sossunk re nezzo nezzo
I cannot endure no cannot
tum kortai toso
the way you do
konn korit mog mhozo
nobody else can
tu ankvar zalear porva na maka
if you're a bachelor I do not care
govak lagon tum kainch bhienaka
do not be afraid of my husband
Govak soddu
I could leave my husband
mog ulhasan punn
sodchina tuka
but not leave you
Na tuka ..... woooh
no not you
Mog tuzo moga uzo uzo
your love, dear is fire fire
mog tuzo uzo uzo
your love is fire fire
tuzo tuzo
your your
maka mog fokot tuzo
my love is only for you
hanv kazar bhurgim asat maka
i am married and have kids
bhurgeam passot fatti soronaka
because of kids do not hesitate
Bhurgeank sodun mog
I can leave the kids behind
ulhasan punn sodchina tuka
but will not leave you
na tuka... wooooh
not you....woooh