A gentle love song in times of courtship, a valentine Special, to draw the hearts together.
credit : Benz Ferns Production
Mogachim Sopnam cast : Benzer & Marilyn
lyrics with translation, vid will load in few secs
Niz mog kela tuzo
I love you truly
mogan hea kalzak pettla uzzo
love has kindled in my heart fire
tujia bogor ravunk nezo
without you I cannot live
sang tu mog korta mhun mhozo
let me know if you love me
chitnani bhorlo bhezo
My mind is filled with thoughts
Mog korta mhun tujo
that I love you
Mogachi Khobor amchim
this loves story of ours
Akkea ganvant gazo
let the whole town know
Mogachim fullam fultoch sobit dista rukh
when flowers bloom the trees look lovely
Poitoch tea rukak lagon atam bhuk
looking at the tree now I hunger
surya liplo zalo tho kalok
the sun is hiding and there is darkness
venghent dhovrun dittolo tuka sukh
holding you in my hearts I will give you happiness
soglem sukh tuka ditolom
all the happiness I will give you
kedinch divcho na dukh
I will never cause you pain
mogachea tin lettrani
Love's three letters
boroila mogacho book
is written our Love book
Chorus: 2)
sopneta tujia mogachi sopnam
I dream of love of you
tuje bogor jievunk zavchena
without you I cannot eat
rupp tuje poitam utta bostana
I see you visage while awake
tuka konachean chorunk zavchena
Nobody can steal you away
hanv hastana
when I am around
mogache pakt lavun
wearing loves wings
tujia sangatak vhariar uddtolom
together with you, we fly in the air
sepparad hanv zanvchona
I will not be separated
chitkun tuka ravtolom
soglem sukh hanv haddun
I will bring all the happiness
tujia paiamxi votoitolom
near your feet I will pour
tu Mhoji rani hanv raja tujo zatolom
You are my queen and I am your King
kalliz he mhojem bhetoila tuka
this heart of mine I will dedicate to you
tujia bhogor sonvsar dista naka
without you i do not want this world
eksuro tuven korxi tor mhaka
If you leave me alone
Pisso zatolo he visro naka
I will go mad, do not forget
vengent yo mhojia suka
Come in my arms my heaven
bosun ravchi eka mekak
we'll nestle together
davun mogachi veng mar
run and embrace me
fatti soro naka
do not feel awkward