Moga Mhojea (my love) A melodious love song to warm our hearts. Love stories are never the same, each has its own variations in beauty. Cast: Joaquim Mendes Sanura Dourado. Vocalists: Earlluizi Fernandes Placid Gomes Prettal Fernandes Credit: Earlcid Beats Production
Lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.
Mog tuzo Haven kela oso
I have loved you so
Tujea mogak lagon hanv zala piso
I have gone crazy in love with you
Hath tuzo dhorla toh sodchona koso
The hands I have held I will not leave
Tuka mhojem kelea xivai ravo neso
I will not rest till I make you mine
Jivitant mhojea tuch zai
In my life I want you
Tujea kalliz mhoje kallzak lai
lean your heart against mine
Tuzo rupkar mhojea sopnan sotaitai
your visage teases me in my sleeps
Moga mhojea, tuzo sangat zavo
My love I need your intimacy
Moga mhojea ,tuzo mog mhaka favo
my love your love I crave
Moga mhojea, sodach vengounk ravo
my love, always remain in my embrace
Mog ho amcho kednach doxi korcho na
this love of ours we'll not break apart
Poilech nodrek poitoch hanv tujea mogan podlo
I fell in love at the first sight
Lamb kes varear ubtana mog kalzant riglo
your long hair rustled by the breeze, you love planted in my heart
Haste mukhamoll poitoch Kallzak uzzo pettlo
your smiling face, inflamed my heart
Mog ho amcho sasnak dhovrunk vavurtolo
this love of ours I will work to make it forever
Jivitache tuch mhoje sukh
in life you're my happiness
Kednach tuka divcho na dukh
I will never cause you pain
Sangatan ravun royia mogacho rukh
together we plant this tree of love
Mogacho sangat hanv tuka ditolem
i will give you a warm loving company
Tujea sangatak ravon hanv jivit netoitolem
I will decorate my life in your company
Tujeach uzzvadan hanv tuje sanvli zatolem
In your light I will be your shadow
Sodach tuka sasnak hanv viswaxi ravtolem
I will always remain faithful to you forever.
Tuch Divo uzvaddacho
you are lamp of light
Mhozo Raza fuddaracho
my future king
Ekvottan ravon bandya gonter sasnacho
together we'll build the eternal nest
Mogan tujea hanv podla re anjea
I fell in love with you angel
Tuch mhojea fuddaracho Raza
You alone are my future king
Tuzo sangat kednach hanv sodche na,
your intimacy I will never leave
Viswas tujear hanv sodach dhortele
I will always put my faith in you
Fokot tukach jivit Bhettoitollem
just for you I dedicate my life
Tufan ailear sangat hanv ditolem
In stormy times I will be there
Moga mhojea Tuje bogor
my love without you
Sonvsar mhaka Naka dista
this world I do not want
Tuch zai mhaka Anik dusro konn naka
I need you alone and no one else
Mhoje kalliz Hanv bhettoita tuka
my heart I dedicate to you