Miss You Jessica, Sad and Poignant song, when the absence of departed love one hits hard. especially during Xmas, the most joyful occasion of love peace and family re-unions, when the emptiness at home, feels unbearable.. It was just a year ago, when Death stalked everyone through the dreadful pandemic. The world at large seems to have moved on now but for those who lost their love one, it will be gut wrenching, left alone to pick up the family pieces. lyrics that touch your heart
Lyrics/singer: Neves Oliveira lyrics with translation, vid will load in few secs
uddokh zaenah khaiem
Ocean waters never turn black
Noxibhant aslelem bhogun zaine
whatever fate holds, we have to bear
Gallea vorshak tambdem suit ghatlellem hanvem
Last year I wore a maroon suit for Xmas
Eia vorshak Xmasak gallechem podlem Khaiem
This year for Xmas I had to wear black
Merry Xmas Punn wish Kortaem tuka
I still wish you Merry Xmas
Tuem Sorghar thaen Merry Xmas munne Mhaka
You too from Heaven wish me Merry Xmas
Vorhos zallem hem golloeathan ei Dukham
Its been year since I have shed my tears
I miss you, I miss you, darling Jessica
Donnuch vorsakh sukh bogllelem moga
For two year I have known happiness, my love
I love you, I love you sweet heart, I love you Jessica.
Galleah Natallem dogaim Galleleim Missakh
Last Xmas we went together for Xmas mass
Ekloch vechhaen podlem eia vorshak
Alone I had to go this year
Xmas chea dissakh vettalim dansakh
We used to go for Xmas dance
Tuem nasthnah oth nae eai Xmasakh
without you I have no desire
Merry Xmas munne wish kortham tukha
Merry Xmas I am wishing you
Tuem sorghar thaun Merry Xmas munne makha
You too wish me Merry Xmas from Heaven
Bhaba utton tukhach sodhta moga
Our baby wakes up and searches for you
Avoichem Mog muzhean deunk zhaena takha
Mothers love I cannot give him
Tukha sonvasaran dorun Devhan vorrunk zai asllolo makha
God should have kept you here and taken me instead.
Galleah Natallank ghara assllhem Nektran lhaun
Last Xmas , you were here, while we hung the Xmas star, decorations
Eai vorshak kallokh podllo tuem nah zaunk
This year its all emptiness in our home
Vengh marunh kiss daeth Xmas thaen yehaun
We would embrace and kiss each other after Xmas service
Eai Vorshak Xmas sarthan photo veghen ghaeun
This year I spending Xmas hugging your Picture
Merry Xmas munne wish korthaem tukha
Merry Xmas I am wishing you
Tuem sorghar thaen Merry Xmas munne Makha
You too wish me Merry Xmas from Heaven
Kazarachem sukh kobhar zallem mogha
My wedding bliss is over , my love
I miss you, I miss you, darling I miss you Jessica.
Soddanch tuzho ughhdas eaithollo sukha
I will be thinking of you my love
Eai Xmasak disshak wish korunk hanv ravthollem tukha
This Xmas I will be waiting to wish you Merry Xmas
Tuem sorghar thean wish korunk vissornakia makha
Please do not forget to wish me from Heaven.