Love duet to warm your hearts Vocalist: Michelle Rebello & Milburn Fernandes
Credit to the Producer : Myron Rodrigues
Cast: Limbraina Pinto & Milburn Fernandes
lyrics with translation, vid will load in few secs
Rhupnnem tuhjem nialltham
I am gazing at your picture
Yem kallzhant mhojea riglam
It has nestled into my heart
Anjea, yeo vegin tukhach ashetam
Angel, come hastily, I am yearning for you
Ahh……Shavlli tujhi dishonam
…. Your shadow I cannot see
Khuim asai mhunn shomzonam
where you are? I cannot figure out.
Lawrie, poinh tukha ashe hi bhagoitam
Lawrie, looking at you I am feel comforted.
Hanv tuzho, tum mhojem moro porianh
I am yours and you are mine till we die
Tukha poinh mhaka lago nham bhuk-tan
Looking at you I am not hungry anymore
Ahh.. Sodd chinam kedheim vhoddlem ailear tufhan
.. Will not leave you even in midst of heavy storm
Lawrie yeo, Lawrie yeo, dhorunk gopanth
Come lawrie, Come Lawrie, and hold me in your arms
Thora, thora, thora!
Yeah Lawrie…
Moghan tujhea hanv poddlam
I am in love with you
Khalliz khallzak bhettoilam
I dedicate this heart of mine to you
Monhhe mhojem tujhea moghan piso zalam
My mind is madly in love with you
She: Hanvuim pixim zaun dhanvtam
I too run madly
Tujhea moghak ashetam
I yearn for your love
Di utor tuhji sangatinn zatham
Give your word, I will be your mate.
Zhonelar boson vatt poitham tuji
Reclining on a window I wait for you
Sang kedna utrachi ghalia mudi
Tell me when we put the ring
Tum raza, hanv ranni, sobit thi zoddi
You my king and I am your queen a beautiful couple
Lawrie yeo, Lawrie yeo, khor dhadoxi
Come Lawrie , Come lawrie and make me happy.
Tora, tora, tora!