Kalliz By Olivia, poignant love song of heart break and praying for good and blessing of the lost love
singer Olivia Coutinho credit to Moonbyte studio
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs
Kalliz roddta Mhojem Moga tuzo ugdas korun
My heart is crying, thinking about you
Chintunk naslele haven Oso Mhaka vhexi mhonn sodun
I never imagined you will leave me
Jivit Tukach bhetoile Kalliz fokot tuka divun
I had dedicated my life to you, my heart I gave you alone
Mog Mhozo visorlo Chinti nastana Mhojem matui
My love you forgot, never thinking about me
Todun geloi kalliz mhoje Mathear divun chitnache vozhe
You tore my heart ,my head to carry these thoughts
Dis rat roddta chintun tuje Tujea vinne jieunk koshe
Day and night I cry thinking about you, How to live without you
Tuka vait magona Devan tujear ghalche bhesanv
I am not praying illl for you, God only to bless you
Mhojeach kallzan bhitor Eksure bhogta fugarsanv
Within my heart, I am overcome with grief
Konakuch xinona Mhunta devache khoxi zanv
I am not blaming anyone,may God's will be done.
Tu visorlo Mhaka Punn tuka visorchi na Hanv
You have forgotten me, I have not forgotten you