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Kednach Soddchona (never leave you)

Kednach Soddchona

Kednach Soddchona, (I'll never leave you) a warm fuzzy feelings that embodies true innocent love

An heartfelt love song in Konkani Credit :Vaughan Rodrigues & Music Nation

Cast : Vaughan Rodrigues & Stacy Rodrigues

lyrics with English translation, vis will load in few secs.


Sodanch tuka hanv poitalom

I always gazed at you

Tuka mhojem korunk chintalom

to make you mine forever, were my thoughts

Tu na mhunnot mhunn hanv bietalom

I used to be scared if you say "No"

Hem monant haddun fatim sortalom

this kept me away from approaching you

Gottai gheun kallzak mhojea

with some strength in my heart

Ek dis tuka kelo vinchar

one day I asked you

Amurkench tum hanslem mogan

You smiled so sweetly

Khuxal zalem kalliz mhojem

my heart was delighted


Tujea sangata jivit sarun

to spend life with you

Sodanch khuxal dovortolom

I always keep you happy

Kosleim vaddol ailear

whatever the storms

Kednach soddchona

I will never leave you

Zaito temp tuka hanv ravtalom

I waited for a long time

Xekim dis to udeun ailo

finally the day dawned

Tuzo mog tuvem dakoin dilo

your love you did show

Puro zalo mozo anvddo

my hopes and desired fulfilled



Khoro mog ubon vosonam

true love never flies away

Fullam porim to bavonam

it does not fade like flowers

Don kallzam mogan bhorlolim

two hearts filled with love

Ek zalea bogor uronam

does not remain without being in Union.



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