Kallzache Anvdde (heart's desire) a lively Konkani love duet
with pulsating beat and a sprightly dance choreography
Cast: Claid Tavares & Afita Barreto
Vocalist: Claid Tavares & Valanca Pereira
snippets of lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.
surya kumpani uddelo novo dis tho gevun ailo
sun has risen in the clouds bringing forth a new day
poilo dis tho mhujea collegecho
the first day of my college
poi mhojea jivitant meulo
what was destined, I met the one for me
she: tuka poitoch jivak ..pissian bhasen soggleak soditt ravlem
when I first saw you, insanely I was looking everywhere
khallzan mhojea tuje .zattlem.....
shakkin purem zallem mhojea kallzache anvde
in the end my hearts desires were fulfilled
hanv tuzo tum re mhojo khallzan petla mogacho uzzo
I am yours and you are mine the hearts kindled with fire
tuka sangonk jive axelam mhojo niz mog kortam tuzo
I was longing to tell you in my life I love you truly
niz mog kortam tuzo ......3
I love you truly
borem ghunn tujea mhojea khalzzan riglem
you good virtues has nestled in my heart
tum mhaka Devachem Dennem
you're are for me God's Gift
tuka collegent poilet thea dissak
from the day I saw you in the college
uchambol zallem khalliz mhozem
my heart was in turmoil
poitoch rup tuzem
gazing at your visage
tuzo niz mog mhaka zalle
true love for you has begun
tuka songok mhaka loze dista
I was feeling shy to tell you
dis rath tuzim chitnam hanv chintam
day and night thoughts of you
noxibhan meular puro mhunne rozarant magtam
for you to be in my fate, I plead in my prayers
.lhara porim ailem gopant mogacho asro dhi sonvsarant
like a wave you swept into my arms, give me refuge in this world
vixvas mhaka dhi mhojea jivitant
give me trust in this world
mog amcho sambhalunk vavurche ravun ekvottan
to preserve our love, we'll remain together
tum mevtoch mhaka sukh favo zallem tuvem dillem dennam
once you met me I was blessed with happiness, your gift
khalzzan mhoje tuvem kellem bhiram
you made your abode in my heart
kedna sodchina hanv tuka utor eim mhojem
I will never leave you, this is word
khallzem meulim dogaichim
two hearts blended
bhas dillem sangatam ravpachim
gave our vow to remain together
shakkim magne zallim purim
our prayers came true
soddanch uronk magchim kanni amchi
always we pray our story remains