Kalliz sontoslam ( heart rejoices) A Konkani X'mas Carol,
sung by our kids to rejoice the day, our savior was born. Matthew 21:16 "From the mouths of children and infants You have ordained praise’”
Credit: Fr. Myron Jeson Barreto
snippets of lyrics with English translation for our global audience, vid link will load in few secs.
Monne dadosta, sontos bhogta........
Mind is at peace, joy abounds
Jezu zolmola kalliz sontosla
Lord Jesus is born, our hearts joyous
ghorvean porgotlli
the shepherds shared
khobor sorvonache
the news of salvation
marien zab dilli
Mary gave her assent
avoi zaunk jezu che
to be the mother of Jesus
Iezvon to Deva Bapacho
the plan of heavenly father
zolmon Jesu christacho
the birth of Jesus Christ
sontos Munshia Khuddacho
the goodwill of mankind
Anand Sorgim rajacho
and joy in heavenly kingdom
varean ghutlilolo
wrapped in swaddling cloth
raja somestancho
the king of humankind
kavenean dovrololo
placed in the grass
Jezu uzvadd amcho
Jesus is our Light
teg vidwanani
Three wise man
noketreche vatt dhorli
led the way by the Star
mogani, zannini
in Love and wisdom
Jezu vakhanni kello
paid homage to our Lord