Kall Ho Khuxalkayecho (this the season for joy) .. cause our savior was born, who redeemed the world of its frailties of life, to an eternal disposition, for all those who believe. cherubic voices pour out from our little ones to sing the praises .."out of the mouth of the babes, He perfected praise.."
credit : Fr. Myron Jeson Barreto and his angelic Choir
snippets of Konkani carol with translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs
Jezu amchea moga passot zolmola
Lord Jesus was born for love of us
bapacho mog amka ugto kella
He opened Our Heavenly Father's love for us
sorvoneacho sorvespor porgott zalla
the saviour of the world proclaimed
munskul devan mogan vadla
the humankind has grown in God's love
kall ho khuxal kayecho
its the season of happiness
jezu christa zolmacho
birth of our Lord Jesus Christ
vell ho amka anandacho
time for our joy and peace
santosan sangatam monovpacho
to celebrate together in goodwill
Marie vorvim jezu sonvasaran ailo
through Mother Mary he came into this world
bethlemen sogglo uzvadd fankllo
in Bethlehem the light shone
munshia mogan jezu munis zallo
for Love of men he became man
gorvaneanim Jezu nomoskar kello
the Shepherds knelt before Jesus in adoration
Mhoima Deva mhoima Deva tum sorgim
Glory to God, Glory to God in heaven
ani shanti tachea ixtaa sonvsari
and peace on earth to people of goodwill
Natalan lagun ... ami soglim
for Christmas we all
ektain yevun sangatam soiree dairee
come together neighbors and friends