Jivit tuka (this life for you) a lively original love song
of dedication and promises, imbued with love.
vocalist: Aleston Carvalho and his band
lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid link will load in few secs.
Konnuim mhaka kitem sangot tor, hanv aikuk kobul nam.
if anyone tries to advice me, I am not prepared to listen
Tum sangtha tor aikuk toyar , vorachea voram.
If you tell me anything, I am ready to listen, hour after hour
Chitun tujem nidh poddonam, zalear pasun bhara.
thinking of you , I cannot sleep, even after midnight
Yo hanga ugtim dorlai kallzachim dhara
Come here, I have kept the heart's door open
Pr. ch.
Tokli mhoji tharear nam, torui dista mhaka borem
My head is not right, even then I feel good
Sogott mhunntta laglam mhunnon tujech go varem.
Everyone tell me that I have caught your wind
Jivit tuka zorui pois vorot tor
if life takes you afar even then
Tujem fattlean yetolom
I will follow you
Zorui tum mhaka mellot tor
and whenever I meet you
Hanv hem kantar mhunnttolom
this is the song I will sing
Tum uloinastanam pasun tuzo tallo aikotam
without you speaking, your voice I can hear
Tujem ekuch utor aikuk, mhojem kan axeta
just a single word from you, my ears ache for it
Dis rat fokot tuzoch hanv, rupkar niallttam
day and night your visage I ponder over
Tuka poitoch rokdoch hanv tujea porot mogan poddta.
when I see you again, I fall in love with you all over.
pre Ch