Gupit Mog .. (Secret Love) ... this is a sad poignant song, a prequel to famous Alfred Song, with same title "Gupit Mog" the question then was, If you loved me truly, why did you keep it hidden? There is no point in crying in the end ..Sometimes, its the fear of rejection, doubts can hold a person back. But its better to communicate your feelings, than live through rest of life, grieving. Actors: Afita Barreto & Rozario Estibeiro Vocalist: Joylita Silveira Credit: Rozario Estibeiro Photography
lyrics with English translation for our global audience, vid link will load in few secs
dukham goloin chitt boroitan
with tears rolling down, I am writing this letter
dukhi utram khalzzantlim hanv suskratam
I sigh the painful words from the heart
noxib mhojem konnak xinnona
my fate i do not blame anyone
kitem korun tum khazar zaloi atam
what can I do, You are married now
mog tuzo korench mhaka aslo
I truly loved you
mog aslo punne tuka kollonk nah
my love for you, you were oblivious
tuzo mog khallzant mhojea riglo
your love nestled in my heart
konnuch dusro khalzzant rigonk nah
and no one else could replace in my heart
mog mhozo zor tuka naslo
If you did not love me
kiteak dhakolim mhaka mogachi sopna
why did you give me hope( love dreams)
khallzant hea dokho mhujea diun
by betraying this heart of mine
tuvem mat punne borem kelle nah
you have not done a good deed.
mog ghatke mhaka rodoilam
cheated in love, I cried an ocean
mogache axe dium tuvem mhaka fotoilam
you gave me hope in love and then fooled me
guneakar mhaka dukhoileam
cheater you caused me pain
mhaka dium kante jivit tujem fullani borlam
you gave me thorns while filled your life with flowers.
hanv ghorib cheddum tujea ganvche ........
I was poor girl form your village
hanv ushar aslim dekhun shikpak gallun collegint mhaka shikoilem
I was intelligent so you put in college to study
mog hanvem konnachu korunk nah
I have not loved anyone before
innocent khalliz fokot tukach bettoilem
this innocent heart of mine, I gave it to you
mog tuzo gupit khallzan dhorun .. shevtak hanvunch fottoilem
keeping this love hidden in my heart, in the end I fooled myself
khazzaranchem card mhaka dillem
you gave me you wedding card invite
card tujem vachhun mhozen ang tond zallem
reading your card, I froze in a shock
kiteak mhunne mhaka kellem ossen
why did you treat me this way
bhag tuka dukoin mhaka futoilem khoxen
happiness for you, but for me pain and fooled me why?
gopit mog tuzo hanvem korun
loving you secretly
khalzzan dovrun havench fotoilem mhaka
keeping it in my heart, I fooled myself
pissaponne ghevun hospitalant assa
overcome with insanity, I am in the hospital
polluen axeta fokot tuka
I yearn to see you
chitt mhoji vacchum tori moga
Please read my letter my love
ekuch pauti mellunk tum eoi mhaka
just for once come and visit me
gupit mog khalzzan mhojea dorun
the secret love, i will keep it in my heart
ankvar ravtelim anik mog naka
and remain single, want no more of love