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Gupit Mog

Gupit Mog

Gupit Mog (hidden love) or childhood love that blossoms true, a song that exudes warmth and innocence, a freshness its own.

Vocals/Cast: Francia Camelo, Richie Rodrigues

Credit: F Briton Camilo

lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.


oh baby Niz mog kella, jivit tukach bettoila

Oh Baby I have love you truly, life I dedicate to you

tujea vinn ravonk zaina kallzant eia..nhav.kantaila

without you I cannot live, I have carved your name in my heart

tunch mhojem sukh mhojea anjea fokot ravta tuka

you're my happiness, my angel I am only waiting for you

eksuram dhori naka tujem chitit assa

don't keep me alone, my thoughts are of you

tunch fudar dhusro naka

you're my future and want no one else

gupit mog bhurgeponne ailo nittole kallzan bhitor riglo

this hidden love of our childhood, has nestled in innocent hearts

aiz thaun hanv zallem tujem nirmol mog tho hanvem jikhlo

from now on I became yours, this true love i have won

oh mhojea moga voi tunch zai mhaka mhojea anjea

Oh my love I want only you, my angel

tujea vinn jiv khosem poi mogan zallem pissam

How can I live without you, I am crazy in love with you

tujea hatant jivit mhojem axeta ravta zaupak tujem

in your hands is my life and yearning to be yours

dis ani rath tujich sopna visor kaddunk khoxem

day and night dreaming of you, how can i forget

sodankall bhonvea vixvasan ekvottan tanea voddem

always wander with faith, together lets row the boat

sobit eaim amchem tollem apurbhai mhoje korunk

how lovely our lake to shower me with affection

mankea pori samball kortia davun yeo gopant dhorun

to take care of me like a pearl, come hurry in my arms

ghodd ghodd utram uloita voi tum mhojo rukh

you speak sweet words, yes you're my tree

mogan tujea lagla bhuk mhojea angea

I hungry for your love , my love

Break Rap................

mog mog baby zalla tuzo .......

fuddar javunk boro Deva thaen maria ullo

for a good future lets call on God

dogaincho suporlo mog voi feliz zallear puro

the love of ours may be filled with happiness

tuffanan pasunn sampolear sangat korea rukhacho

even if we are caught in a storm we'll guard our tree

morosor ravea sangatan sanvsorak korea fudo

till we die lets remain together to fight this world

sassancho bandhea gotto

we'll build our eternal cottage

donne khallzan sakkim meulim aichean sopna purim zallim

the two hearts in the end met, from today our dreams came true

dis amche hansun kellun khuxalkaein dogaim sarchem

we'll spend our days laughing, playing and in happiness

tunch mhojo adhar, tunch mhozo fuddar

you alone ar my help , you alone my future

mhojea angea

my love


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