Ekvott Sasnacho (Eternal Union) A wedding special to to cherish the blissful day of Velrose & Glan,
when the Two became One, Congrats!! Both of them are well known and our celebrities.
Vocalists: Velrose Pereira & Myron Manuel Lucas
Couple: Velrose Pereira & Glan Martins
Credit: Velrose Pereira Lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
aicho dis ailo moga
today day has arrived
ghott mhaka vengen tum dhor
hold me close in your embrace
vishor sogllim chitnam
forget all the worries
sacrament zoddunk Deva mukhar
to fulfill the sacrament before God
urlim paulam maruai soddanch koxen moga
the remaining footsteps we will take always happiness my love
ravlim dogaim ami axen voh dis kedna eait zalle mhunne
we waited anxiously for this day to arrive someday
sassnak hanv tujem, sassank tum mhojo
I am your forever, and you are mine forever
moga tum ani hanv ekvott sassnacho
My love You and me, an eternal Union
soddanch gopant tujea ravtelim anjea ekvott ssannacho
I will always remain in your arms, angel, in this eternal Union
khallzan mhojea bhirad korun
you made your home in my heart
jivitan mhojea noketre khuxen porzolta
in my life the star shine s bright
moro poron rakondar zaun
till i die I will be your guardian
tuka vegen sukh devunk soddanch axen ravtam
ravlim dogaim ami axen voh dis kedna eait zalle mhunne
we waited anxiously for this day to arrive someday
jivitan tum eavun khuxalkai boglli
you entered in my life, and filled me with happiness
niz mog tuvem kello
you loved me truly
kitlan tuffan ailar dogaim fuddo korea
whatever be the storms, we'll fight it
moro porean fuddo korea
till we die we'll fight.