The music the voices and the scenery that swirls and caresses this beautiful couple. the Angelic sound of our Konkani language, Nurtured and evolved to perfection amongst Goan Catholics, no other language can soothe your souls like ours
Credit to Ageema Fernandes Jose Rod
lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.
Rathe bhor needun thoir
mevunk evunk na
All night long sleepless night
Kalliz khoxem madta uddtam, chitti tujea ravtana
My heart leaps for joy, waiting for your letter
Mogan jivit mhojem rongoitnan sopna mhuje sopoitana
With love you decorate my life and fulfill my dreams
Kannar tuzich utram
Your words in my ears
Tum mhojer chiradtai , punn hanssot tujho kevta kannar
You are my.. But your laughter rings in my ears
Thunch hojo sokal tunch mhuje rathe…..
You are my morning and my night
Tujho sanghat soddche na
Your company I will not leave
Tunch mhojea dhir adhar mhojo suskar
You are my strength, help and my breathe
Kahlliz hem uddtam panka passon takha naslear.
This heart of mine flies without even wings
She ….
Eh lahram akho sombdir bhovone eita
This waves traverse the seas
Sodanch mhoje recade poita
Always gives me regards
Kednai tukha dita
Sometimes it gives you
Chorus ( both)
Eim chitole Chandnam
This pure moonlight
Tujheo rupkar uzvad takai
Your sight lights it.......
Chondrim koso tuem maka kallokan sovaskai
Like the moon your are my light and guide
Mog tujo nirmole pois assun passun dita ghottai
Your love is pure even when far away, it gives me strength
Sat sombdir pois tunch maka zai
Faraway in the sea, I need you alone.