A sublime hymn in Goan Konkani Our Lord Jesus Christ the emptiness of all that the world has to offer.
Its only our hearts touched by His love, that He needs and and our desire fulfilled. credit to Gwen Fernandes
lyrics with translation, vid will load in few secs'
Bagentleam fulam modem
Among the flowers in the garden,
ranantleam zhaddam
among the trees in the forest,
khonnintleam dhatum modem,
amidst the ore in the earth,
Isvorak sôdlem dennem!
I sought a gift for the Lord!
Jezuchea Kallza sovem
Besides the Heart of Jesus,
bhettoitam kalliz mhojem!
I offer You my heart!
Doriachea udka bhitôr,
Within the waters of the seas,
vellechê renvê bhitor,
within the sands of the shores,
razancheam ttheveam bhitôr,
within the King’s vaults,
kitench nam mhaka mell’lem.
I did not find anything.
Manpachem Apnnak vordan dakhoilem Sorvesporan
Our Lord showed us, how to give Him a worthy gift,
liplolem mhojea horddeant:
hidden in my breast:
hinn, holkem kalliz mhojem!
my humble heart