Altara Mukhar ( beneath the altar ) a wedding special, an original composition to warm your hearts, dedicated to a lovely couple, Stewart & Ezilda on their blissful day. Congrats & God Bless!!
Vocalists: Abraham Fernandes (guitar), Natasha Dcunha
Credit: The Celestials band,Goa
lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.
Uttram somzonnam, Ucharunk ho kinn
words confound, to express this moment
aiz thaun ek novem paull, aiz thaun ek novi jinn..
from now on a new footsteps, from now on a new life
aiz thaun amchim sopnam, sukhneam porim udtath
from now on our dreams fly like the birds
fulltea ullan sarkem kalliz murgotta...
like a flower it blushes
aiz than tum mojem, aiz thaun tum mozho,
from now on you're mine, from now I am yours
choll ya amchim hi vatt, dhor tum hatt mozho..
lets walk our path, holding my hand
altara mukhar, deva mukhar, dogaim ami zallim juraar..
beneath the altar, Before God, both of us we made our vows
kallzant tujech navv, kathointam havn,
in my heart, I engrave your name
tujem sukh, dukhui mojem, aiz thaun,
your joys and sorrows are mine too
aiz thaun zallem purai, mogachem amchem gitt,
for now on it is fulfilled, our love song
nachoi muzga tallar ghott dhorun vengent,
we'll dance to the music holding tightly each Other
samkaar hanv tujea ubo, kallzak petla uzo, vaarea porrim tuka nachoitolo.
I am standing before you, my heart ablaze, like a breeze i will dance with you
mollbar noketram, chokchoktat tim dekhleant, tosoch aiz thaun amcho mog omor urtolo..
seeing the stars out in the sky shining bright, in a same way will our love shone forth.