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ABC dos Coracao

ABC  dos Coracao

ABC dos Coracao (the spring buds of love in the heart) the heart is the teacher, the ABC of love. The fast fading Portuguese songs that we hummed before, the nostalgia awakened by present reality of our true identity that's even more endearing than before. Vocalist: Efigenia Miranda.. Credit: Jazz Goa

Lyrics with English translation, if you want to hum along, vid will load in few secs.


vem, vem minha flor ..................2

come, come my flower ..................2

não pode ser, viver, sem teu amor

cannot live, without your love

Vem, vem conhecer

Come, come and lets get acquainted

O verbo amar e dar teu parecer

The verb to love is to give your opinion

Diz o A B C

Say the ABC

du coração amar alguém

of the heart to love someone

E sempre o bem

And always the good

Que nos devemos, praticar

That we must practice

Si o coração

If the heart

e professor nossa lição

and teacher our lesson

Vai se sera

It will be

vem minha flor, vamos amar

come my flower, let's love


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