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Playlist Goan Songs  Newest < 1 year to view/listen at your leisure 

We have compiled the Newest  selection of Goan songs for your listening, viewing  pleasure, without any interruption and ad free. Just play and  let go and you have continous stream of the newest songs play one after other, you can also zero in on a particular vid, click on the bars. vid will load in few secs 

Goan songs newest release

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Latest Goan songs post 

 Credit and courtesy to the following Artists/Producers:: 

                   for lyrics/translations use search tool above

1.  Love me today N Everyday Konkani Love song -Johnny B Gud with Reza 

2.  Ekvottan wedding special Sanifa N Rodrigues 

3.  Mhaka Zai Tum -Alison Gonsalves 

4   Te AMo  Myron Correia 

5.  Mog Rigla Kallzant  -Rio Fernandes 

6.   Adeus -Velrose Pereira Trumpet & Flute Cover Instrumental

7.   Sodchona - Cyrus Berne 

8.    Tujeam Dolleanim Hanv Poitanam Jerry De Souza 

9    Dis dakoilai Novo Jerry De Souza 

10.  Gopant Ravlim Tujea  The 7 Notes band Goa 

11   Tuje Yadin The 7 Notes Band 

12   Ek Kalliz - Rony Barretto  

13  Sotve  Rati Mark Revlon

14.  Pisso Zalam Mogan Leslie 

15   Red Rose/ Bang a Bang/ Kalliz Boom Bang Zata- The 7 Notes          Band 

16   kallzak Kalliz -The 7 Notes Band Goa

17.   Tu Maje Go Tu - I Production Films

18.   Sopnam Mark Rrvlon.

19.   Ek Mennachi Vatth Jerry De Souza   

20.   You're my Lifeline - Valentino Fernandes 

21.   Ankvarponn Hema Sardessai

22.  Ekvottachem Utor  Ryan Borges 

23.  Mevtoch Tuka - Savio Leitao 

24.  Overtime -Aurvile & Silvia As It Is 

25.  Tunch Zai Jose Rod

26.  Ami Goychim Vavradill  Goan Folk song/dance Fr Roger                 Fernandes 

27.  Nustekaram-- Tribute Robin Vaz Anthony Cardozo 

28.  Konkani Birthday Special to my Sister-Brendon Rato 

29.  Tunch Mojem Princess -Brendon rato -Brendon & Hansel

30.  Mog Urtolo - Princeton Colaco

31.  Mog Urtolo kallzanim Asner Fernandes 

32.  Mog Sobit Fulacho William D Costa -Goan Beano

33.  Mhaka Vengent Dhorun- Leslie Vaz

34.  Dhor Ek Ghodi -Stanfor Colaco

35.  Sobit Mog - Savio Leitao

36.  Kallzam Amchim Mogan Bhorlim-- Pio Agnelo Fernandes 

37.  Sobit Sundor  Ft Keziah Ferrao- Friz Love 

38. Lady from Goa -Alfred Rose Cover- Mark Revlon

39.  Zallim Ektaim Wedding Special- Fraiz R

40.   Anjea Franco  Dias Frank Sings 

41. Dis Ani Rath SIlver Notes Production-the People's Champ

42.  Sorgar Rajeant - Sounds From Goa

43. Mogachem Ful Ramson Cardoso Production

44. Jinechi Rani - Palash Agni Studio

45. Wedding Toast Song/dance Gladston & Angelica-- Mark Revlon

-    Sammy Tavares.

46. Calangute  -- The Goan Globetrotters

47. Vatt Sasanchi- Dylan Rodrigues 

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