Konkani >>> English Dictionay
A--C / D-F / G-J / K-M / N-P / R-S / T-V / W-Z
Abril, -la (m) April
abuz (adj) nervous
adar, -ra (m) help, support
adar di = [give] help
add (pp) against
add podd = take siesta
adday (tv) stop, halt
addkoll, -lli (f) obstacle
addsor, -ra (n) tender coconut
adeus, -sa (m) goodbye, farewell
adi (n/v substitute) et cetera
adim (adv) formerly, in olden times
adim (adv,pp) formerly, before
adimfuddem (adv) beforehand
adlo (adj) previous
adlo kall = olden times
adon, -na (n) water [being heated for cooking]
Agost, -sta (m) August
aidon, -na (n) vessel
aik (iv) hear
aik (tv) hear, listen
aikunk ye = be heard
Aitar, -ra (m) Sunday
aito (adj) ready-made, convenient
akho (adj) whole, entire
alem (n) ginger
allen, -na (n) condiments (for grinding)
almar, -ri (f) cupboard
altar, -ra (m) altar, oratory
ambo, -bea (m) mango
amcho (adj.poss) our
amger (locative pn) at our house
amig, -ga (m) friend
ang, -ga (n) body
angbhor = covering the whole body
angonn, -gnna (n) courtyard
ani (conj) and
anik (conj,adv) and, further
ankddo, -ddea (m) number
anond, -da (m) joy
ansvel, -la (n) bear
anter, -ra (n) custard apple
antêr, -ri (f) custard apple tree
anvdde (tv) desire, wish
apaplem = each one's own
apar, -ra (m) nib of a pen
apoun vhor = lead/accompany
apoxt, -ta (n) bet
apoy (tv) call, invite
apulki, -ke (f) intimacy, belonging
apurbay, -ye (f) fondness
aram’ gaddi = luxury coach
ark, -ka (m) bow [of musical instrument]
as (iv) be
asor, -ra (iv) respite [from rain]
asum = let it be, does not matter
asmitai(y) (n) Identity
atak, -ka (m) attack
atam (adv) now
atanch (adv) just now
avaz, -za (m) sound, noise, voice
avodd (tv) like
avodd, -vddi (f) like
Avois! (int) Dear me!
Avoy! (int) Goodness me!
avoy, -voy (f) mother
avr, -vra (n) flood
axa, -xe (f) desire
axirvad, -da (m) blessing
ayer, -ra (m) [wedding] gift
az-kal (adv) nowadays
azun (adv) up to now, even today
baba (voc) sir
babddo (adj) helpless
babddo, -ddea (m) helpless one
bag, -ge (f) garden
bail, -le (f) female, woman, wife
bail-bhurgim (n.pl) family
balchanv, -va (m) prawn preserve
balkanv, -va (m) balcony, porch
band (tv) build
band (tv) tie
bandun di = pack up
bangddo, -ddea (m) mackerel
banian, -na (n) vest
bank, -ka (m) bench
bapuy, -pay (m) father
barik (adj) narrow
barik (adj) thin, small
bariksann,-nne (f) detail
barz, -rje (f) barge
battli/botl, -tle,tli (f) bottle
bav (iv) wilt, become small
bavli, -vle (f) doll
bay, -ye (f) used for elder sister, or affectionately to call a small girl
bay, bab = terms of address for mistress and master
baz, -je (f) cot
bazar, -ra (m) bazaar
beg, -ga (n) handbag
beij, -ja (m) kiss
bet, -ta (n) cane, rattan
bêt, -ta (m) plan
bextto (adj) mere, plain
bextto (adv) for no reason, needlessly
bhaddem, -ddea (n) rent
bhag, -ga (m) division, section
bhag, -ga (n) good fortune
bhailean (adv) from outside
bhailo (adj) foreign, outsider
bhair (adv) outside, besides
bhair (pp) outside, apart from
bhair podd = die, expire
bhaji, -jie (f) vegetable
bhaji kor = cook vegetable
bhajipalo, -lea (m) green vegetables
bhakri, -kre (f) chapati, Indian bread
bhangor, -gra (n) gold
bhangrallo (adj) golden
Bharotiya (adj) Indian
bhas,-xe (f) 1. language, 2. promise
bhas di = give word, promise
bhasabhas, -bhaxe (f) discussion
bhat, -ta (n) paddy
bhatt, -tta (n) landed property
bhav, -va (m) brother
bhavoji, -ji (m) brother-in-law
bhavponn, -nna (n) brotherhood
bhaxen (pp) like, in the manner of
bhaz (iv,tv) fry, bake
bhem dis = be afraid
bhem, bhiya (n) fear
bhenddo, -ddea (m) okra, ladyfinger, gumbo
bhenkro (adj) scared
bhett (tv) meet
bhêtt, -tte (f) present, offering
bhikonn, -knna (n) peanut or ground-nut, stone of jack
bhirant, -ti (f) fright, fear
bhitor (adv) inside
bhitor (pp) in, inside, among
bhitor sor = enter
bhitorlim vostram = inner wear
bhitorlo (adj) one from inside
bhiye (iv,tv) be afraid, fear
bhiz (iv) get wet
bhog (iv) feel, enjoy
bhoinn, -nni (f) sister
bhonv (iv) roam
bhonvar, -re (f) surrounding, circle
bhonvarim (adv,pp) around
bhonvdday (tv) take sb. around
bhonvddekar, -ra (m) tourist
bhonvddi, -dde (f) tour, journey
bhonvtonnim (adv,pp) around
bhor (iv) be filled
bhor (tv) fill
-bhor = -ful, e.g. ganv-bhor
bhoro, -rea (m) headload, big bundle
Bhorotnattya, -ttya (n) S. Indian classical dance
bhorti, -rte (f) high tide
bhoron voch = get filled up
bhorun kadd = fill in
bhott, -tta (m) Brahman priest
bhov (adv) very
bhuimkamp, -pi (m) earthquake
bhuke (iv) be hungry
bhurgem, -gea (n) child
bhurgo, -gea (m) boy
bi, biye (f) seed, [cashew] nut, [fruit] stone
bibtto, -bttea (m) leopard, panther
Birmot (v) pity, compassion
Birmotti (n) cricket (insect)
bisp, -spa (m) bishop
bluz, -za (m) blouse
bob, -be (f) cry, shout, yell
bodlak, bodlek (adv,pp) instead of
bodol (iv) be changed
bodol (tv) change, exchange
boglek (adv,pp) near, beside
bogor (pp) without
boil, -la (m) bull
boilgaddi (f) bullock cart
bokddeachem mas = mutton
bokddi, -kdde (f) she goat
boli, -lie (f) 1. sacrifice, 2. victim
bôli, -lie (f) dialect
bols, -lsa (n) pocket
bond (adj) closed, stopped
bond kor = shut
bond podd = come to a stop
bonddi, -ddie (f) 1. banana flower pod, 2. small tender coconut
borabor, soit (pp) with, together with
bore bhaxen = properly, decently
boreak podd = come in handy
borech-xe = quite some
borem dis- = feel well
borem korun uloy = talk nicely
borem lag = like, find it good
borem tor = well then
boro (adj) good
boro (adv) well, very
boro dista = looks good
boro na = is not well
boroch-so = quite some
boroy (tv) write
bos (iv) sit
bosoy (tv) seat, fix
bott, -tta (n) finger
bovall, -lla (m) noise, loud complaint, hullabaloo
boxi, -xie (f) plate
Brestar, -ra (m) Thursday
budd (iv) drown, submerge
buddti, - te (f) flood
Budvar, -ra (m) Wednesday
bul, -li (f) kettle
burkho, -rkhea (m) veil for whole body
butt, -tta (m) boot, shoe [in general]
chador, -ri (f) bed sheet, coverlet
chak, -ka (n) wheel
chalu as = carry on, continue
chambddem, -ddea (n) leather
chani, -nie (f) squirrel
char (adj) four
chav korunk = to make tea
chayecho palo = tea leaves
chedd'ddi, -dde (f) under pants
cheddo, -ddea (m) boy, son
cheddum, ddva (n) girl, daughter
chep (iv) be squeezed in, be crushed
chêp (tv) crush
chepem, -pea (n) hat
chhati, -tie (f) chest
chidd’ddi (tv) crush
chikonn mati = clay
chikr, -ra (n) cup for tea/coffee
chinch, -che (f) tamarind [fruit]
chint (iv) think, imagine
chint (tv) think of, plan, worry about
chintop, -pa (n) thinking
chir (tv) slit, cut lengthwise
chit, -ta (n) attention
chit di = pay attention
chitoll, -tlla (n) spotted antelope
chitr, -tra (n) picture, painting
chitt, -tti (f) letter
chodd (adj,adv) much, very
chodd (iv) increase, climb
chodd korun = mainly
chodd za = be in excess
chodd zal’lem = excessive
choddoy (tv) elevate, put on
chodd-so (adv) mainly, mostly
chokchokit (adj,adv) shining bright
chol (iv) go, move, walk
choli, -lie, -liam (f) girl, daughter
cholli, -llie (f) sleeveless blouse
cholo, -lea (m) boy, son
choloy (tv) run, manage, handle
chon’don, -na (n) sandalwood
chonno, -nnea (m) chickpea
chor (tv) graze
chôr (m) thief, [also] robber
chovpott (adj) four times as much
Chovoth, -vthi (f) Ganesh festival
chuddidar, -ra (m) N. Indian lady’s dress
chuk (f) fault, mistake
chuk, -ki (iv) miss
chukoy (tv) miss
chukun (adv) as an exception
chun, -na (n) grated coconut yeta