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Konkani language

Our native tongue or language has its origins in antiquity and through the long careening path of history it has gone  through evolutionary phases assimilating words and phrases from various principalities that ruled over Goa.  Its normally classified as Indo European or Indo Aryan language but has its finest phonetics expression in songs, hymns  and music with two district variants based on regions or religion and the accents differ accordingly providing rich diversity  in the phonetics expressions.

Most of the online narrative on its origins is of mythological  variants, with a lack of  objective anthropological  research and depth, Nevertheless, there has been attempts to  provide a geopolitical context to the language. Google has recently, included  Konkani  in  its translation application but unfortunately, in a script that is alien to world at large which could be amended to include a dual Roman script, which all of us are habituated with and has gained world wide acceptance.


Yes, there were serious conflicts in the 80" during the agitation to make Konkani the official language of the state due to the opposition  from Marathi  proponents. But within the Konkani language itself there were intense division with reference to accents and the scripts. Christians normally prefer the Roman script while our Hindu brethren prefer the Devanagari script for expression.

But over time the language conflicts have mellowed down and now there is great appreciation of diversity in expression, scripts with a cue from Mother Nature, there are Roses and Lilies that makes  our lives worth living. The language  still sounds melodious  in  its varied forms to its adherents.

It honors God in its lyrics, in phrases and its proverbs, depicts the extraordinary faith of the people in their Creator intertwined in their fate.


Please be advised most of the song, hymns featured on our website and the Konkani language is of Goan Christian  timbre and has evolved from the milieu of  differing accents and scripts to a  smoother, gentler and softer  cadences. Undoubtedly, its the Romi or Roman script that has provided the language the much needed  latitude and fluidity for it to evolve  and has served  well the language's intricate nuances for us to chisel and savor its highly refined  phonetics. The Scripts should never be a master  needing pedestals and obeisance  but the language's doting  handmaid. The assimilated words and phrases from prevailing powers that be, have enriched it with much needed luster, vitality and buoyancy. It is the language for all seasons whether it be of romance and love songs of yearning and wedding, trade and commerce, economics and politics  and  of prayers, devotionals, hymns  to invigorate the faith.

  The Catholic church through the millennium has been its Anchor, primary source that   has nurtured the language in it syntax, structure and accent, the songs and music that emanates from it and that you hear and listen.

If you are visiting Goa for short period there is no need to have dollops of local language phrases and sentences. You may also encounter Non Goans from other States in India who may not have any grasp of local language .

Although,  Native Goans will respond enthusiastically on hearing their  language, but  by nature they are multi Lingual and English language has percolated in the Church and in the inner sanctum of family, but it does not mean their love for their language is any lesser. English language  is more for utility reasons and carries them far and wide across the world and provides them the ease of assimilation in any culture and  especially in the Anglosphere.

-- Thank you ( Dev Borem Khorem ) My God do you  good.




Some of the common phrases:

We have also  attached  Konkani lessons vids for your convenience .


English  >>>>>> Konkani

What is your name? : > Tujhe Nahve Kittem?

My name is ______ . > Mhuje Nahve _______

Hello (Good day to you) : > Deu tuka Boro dis diun

How are you? :> Kosho asa?,  (Feminine) Koshem asa?

I Am Fine :> Hanv Boro Asa,( feminine) hanv borem asa

Nice to meet you. > Tumka Mellun hanv Koshi jallo

Please.>> Masshe

Yes. >> Vhoi

No.>>  Nah                                                                           more

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