Kai borem Cheddum ( How lovely the girl)
Kai borem Cheddum ( how lovely the girl) music genre of Goan song at a different level with Ultra beats and rap overtones. with English...
Cecelia mojem naum, Chedva go chedva
lively Dulpods, Konkani fast paced mando sung at get-togethers, 1. Cecelia mojem Naum (Cecelia is my name ) 2. Chedva go Chedva Mother...
Ghara levunk Zai (have to come home)
Ghara levunk Zai (have to come home) A poignant song dedicated o all the Seafarers, we all have had a family member who has made hard...
Tuzo Mog Zai (need your love)
A new genre of music with rap overtones,that's making waves in Goa and abroad. with energetic dance choreography Its fast, its cool and...
Gupit mog Burgeaponailo.... mando
Gupit mog Burgeaponailo (the secret love of our Childhood) still haunts when torn apart and its traces still remain, to sing its lilting...