Mog Kudd'ddo love is blind
Mog Kudd'ddo, Love is blind and cuts across race, caste, wealth rich and poor. lively and upbeat konkani song, about a lover trying to...
Sangathak tujea
Sangathak tujea (in your closeness) an endearing love song, of falling in love, the vows and promises to remain faithful and finally the...
Tunch Mhaka Zai (only you, I need)
Tunch Mhaka Zai, A new gen Goan Konkani songs have nestled in millions hearts, around the world. Its fast paced, the lyrics of love and...
Nach Bai Nach dance Cover GGS
Nach Bai Nach (dance lady dance) a very scenic dance cover for hip song. well choreographed and with an appealing dress /costumes....
Dis Udelo (the day has dawned)
An heartfelt Goan wedding song, the wedding day has dawned, when couple will wed and vows exchanged to remain faithful to each other...