Jivit tuka (this life for you)
Jivit tuka (this life for you) a lively original love song of dedication and promises, imbued with love. vocalist: Aleston Carvalho and...

Sasnak Tu Mhojem
Sasnak Tu Mhojem ( you're mine forever) A lively Konkani love song with Afro beat draped in scenic surrounding and a handsome couple....

Rongit Kela Sonvsar Mhozo (you decorated my world)
Rongit Kela Sonvsar Mhozo (you decorated my world) a special dedication to to you life partner, your spouse who has been with you through...

Dhovem Nheson (clad in white)
Dhovem Nheson (clad in white) Mark Revlon pulled another one of his magical spell binding wedding special with his sonorous voice. and...

Gorib Ani Girest (a lament of love)
Gorib ani Girest (poor and Rich) a melancholy love song enwraps you with sadness of the break up. Of love gone astray, the darker shades...