Ravta Tuka ( waiting for you)
Ravta tuka ( waiting for you) an unique music composition, refreshing, original, lively, engrossing beat, with rap overtones. Hoping his...
Mogachim Lharam
Mogachim Lharam (waves of Love) A poetry in a song, a wedding special for the couple, Theo & Melvisha, exquisitely composed and...
Jivit tuka (this life for you)
Jivit tuka (this life for you) a lively original love song of dedication and promises, imbued with love. vocalist: Aleston Carvalho and...
Sasnak Tu Mhojem
Sasnak Tu Mhojem ( you're mine forever) A lively Konkani love song with Afro beat draped in scenic surrounding and a handsome couple....
Rongit Kela Sonvsar Mhozo (you decorated my world)
Rongit Kela Sonvsar Mhozo (you decorated my world) a special dedication to to you life partner, your spouse who has been with you through...