Chitti (Love notes) Ageema
The music the voices and the scenery that swirls and caresses this beautiful couple. the Angelic sound of our Konkani language,...
Fokot Tunch (Only You)
Fokot Tunch( Only you) A Goan love song in konkani dedicated to lovers all over. Vocalist & cast: Benisco Fernandes, Joyvi Fernandes...
Mog tum Mhozo (You're my love)
Mog tum Mhozo Romantic Goan Konkani song again with rhythmic beat and engaging couple Wilbur & Delisha. the lyrics in sync with the times,...
This relaxed playful Konkani love songs sure takes you down the memory lane of childhood spent in Goan villages, getting wet in the first...
Mogan Uddnam Martam (the vaults of love)
Mogan Uddnam Martam, An enchanting melody and harmonic rhythm and Sanifa Rodrigues voice is almost angelic here softer and gentler...