Mog Sobit Fulacho
Mog Sobit Fulacho (in love with a beautiful flower) a serenade of love, softly strumming his guitar for his sweetheart, who blooms...
Mhaka Vengent Dhorun ( holding me in your arms)
This latest Goan Konkani love song and most definitely a future wedding special to grace our joyous occasion and light up our enchanting ...
Uzvadd Paloi Naka, Pro -Life song
Uzvadd Paloi Naka, (Do not put out the light) Stop Abortions, Life is precious, even of our unborn awaiting to experience Life, just...
She called me on a Christmas Night
It will be almost magical for a Couple drawn apart, to receive a call and make up on Christmas Night.. An original composition and Vocals...
Sasnnank Mhojem (Mine forever)
Sasnnank Mhojem, There is beauty in simplicity, captured magically by the wedding photographer/ videographer. and the lyrics well crafted...