Ekvottan (in unison)
Ekvottan ( in unison) a warm love ballad of living together in total consonance and intimacy, that leads to the discovery of each other's...
Dis Udelo Original Pio Agnelo Fernandes
Dis Udelo ( the day has dawned) on the special day, the wedding day, a popular wedding song to grace the occasion. Cast: Elvis...
Ekvott Menn Machine band
Ekvott Union, an original composition by Goan band Menn machine. a wedding special for Cast: Eddie and Viona credit to: Kenny D'souza...
Magical wedding, Goa
This very young lovely couple Myrel & Ana take us into a fairytale Kingdom of Arabian nights and Princess Jasmine with their love, on...
Kazarache Formon
kazarache Formon, (Edict of Love) Another heart warming composition of legendary late Chris Perry Original Vocalist: Dulcie Cover:...