Tum Ani hanv ( Just you and me)
Tum Ani hanv (Just you and me) a gem of Goan wedding special imbued with all the love for each other, through thick and thin. Cast:...
Their love, their wedding
A gorgeous couple, their love blends the pristine scenery, the elegant church and the exotic locale for the reception, their First dance ...
Mog Sasnacho- wedding dance
A lovely First Dance wedding cover to Mog Sasnacho, popular Konkani love song by Alison Gonsalves & Ancy Gonsalves. A mesmerising dance...
Ekvottan (in unison)
Ekvottan ( in unison) a warm love ballad of living together in total consonance and intimacy, that leads to the discovery of each other's...
Dis Udelo Original Pio Agnelo Fernandes
Dis Udelo ( the day has dawned) on the special day, the wedding day, a popular wedding song to grace the occasion. Cast: Elvis...