Bailek Respeth ( to respect a woman)
Bailek Respeth (to respect a woman) A meaning full song in honor of our Goan women who sacrifice for the betterment and well being of...
Nokre Tuje
Nokre Tuje, (your fusses) An engrossing konkani dance song to keep you grooving. lots of rhythm and energy flow in this song. Cast &...
Sotve ratrik Noxibant Nirmilole
A classic Goan konkani song that highlights Our marriages are predestined. That on the seventh Night, God had written in his Marriage...
Khoxeal Ravonk
Khoxeal Ravonk, Konkani love song that celebrates sister wedding day, An original composition by Menn Machine Band composed by Ashting...
Sopnant Dhekla ( seen you in my dreams)
Sopnant Dhekla Seen in you in my dream a rhythmic Konkani love song of love and romance and lovely couple Cast: Regan Cruz & Silvia...